There is a planned course of direction for every retail product marketing or commerce strategy, the purpose is to promote a favored result. The Internet has (generally) just but a few primary concerns to this extent.

1) Content and attractions supported by marketing revenue

2) Products or services available for sale

“All that is marketing” provides what seemingly is an endless stream of content and attractions.  These are most often utilized to attract participants who may be exposed to various  forms of marketing. While this is quite common, it is surprising how seldom these “exposures” provide a sale. In fact: less than 3% (generous figure) of retail product marketing exposures lead to a direct sale.

Reason: In most instances, If an exposure converts to an immediate sale, further related exposures (and revenue) would decrease. I can imagine the closed room conversations at Google, Facebook and alike: “We can’t have exposures rapidly converting, that would decrease our marketing exposure revenue”!

You see marketing revenue models depend upon a continuous loop of participation. For marketing, it would be for all engaged exposures to encourage a continued path to more marketing and content. This strategy extends marketing revenue by encouraging more exposures per participant than what may be required. Now this is not how all marketing upon the web works, but is the most dominant strategy.

Yep, your right….”Internet marketing has become a vast valley of oblivion with the purpose to further marketing, not conversion”.

Now as all may know, there are most certainly ways to create a more optimized internet path to serve the most focused consumer. The question is; can it be done in a content marketing environment?

Below illustrates several existing (1 & 2) and one optimized (3) consumer path models.

1) Marketing Loop

Where the Internet user behavior path creates data used to further participation into more content and marketing. While this loop works quite well for information and discovery, as a would be consumer becomes more focused, options to reward their journey are limited.

Paying to be placed well into the consumers path is how most merchants are discovered online. Those who spend the most, have a better chance at capturing consumers. Focused consumer choices are limited to only the largest merchants and may contribute to a large amount of lost conversions and cart abandonment.

2) Closed Provider Loop

Where the Internet user behavior path creates data used to further participation to particular destinations. Still few consumers convert, this may be due to a limited amount of merchant options and static pricing environment.

Simply Put: The routine path does not provide a sufficient reward for most focused consumers.

3) Open Marketplace Loop

Where the Internet user behavior path creates data used to further participation into an open marketplace. This model realizes marketing and marketplace roles as separate. Once the discovery and qualification is complete, an open marketplace for “all and every relevant merchant” is provided to serve consumers possessing more focused intent.  Participation, pricing and packaging are no longer static, allowing for a superior reward environment.

As you might have imagined, the About2Buy process resembles model 3. The consumers normal routine is (momentarily) offered a superior reward marketplace outside of and away from marketing. This allows for the consumer possessing a more focused identity to fulfill their intent to purchase in a less proprietary environment.


Why is commerce such a problem in Facebook and other social environments?

You would think it be a great place to further connection between buyer and seller. With all the tracking, harvesting and data these retain about the user, it is surprising to know they and others like, experience such difficulty monetizing what simply has occurred for thousands of years.

Researching commerce for the last eight years has been long, laborious and difficult to fully assimilate the rapidly changing landscape. Observing it’s progression to what it is today, could have been predicted if I would have known what is certain now.

Sustainable commerce has and most always will take place in a marketplace environment. While the marketplace may take many shapes, it remains a place where things are offered and acquired. Its important this very simple and sometime eloquent occurrence remain uninterrupted to flourish. Mindful civic leaders know this lesson well while attending to community infrastructure. Those communities in decline, fail in their stewardship somewhere along the way.

This may be similar to where commerce upon the internet is today. We have so very many interesting offerings from which to choose, many positioned to attract traffic hoping to monetize in one form or another. This is where I will draw the (general) lines in the sand.

Internet Commerce has but a few successful offerings:

1)  Marketplace and like services receiving revenue from the sale of product offerings.


2)  Attractions receiving revenue via marketing scheme’s leveraged to benefit from considerable user traffic.

Now some are quite successful, who could argue with 1) the Amazons, eBays and Walmarts of the retail cyberspace, and 2) Googles, Facebooks, Twitters and Pinterests of the search and social space.

So how could a basic observation go so unnoticed?

It’s obvious that Marketing and Marketplace do not mix very well. The reasononce the consumer is in the marketplace, the usefulness of marketing is greatly diminished.

Its kind of like offering excursions to the moon to those who are already there.

The message would be late, unmemorable and quite ineffective. This is why Google makes so very much money directing traffic via its marketing, search, etc. and Amazon does so very well at facilitating sales within its marketplace. But the two very seldom (or to date) have mixed very well together, but  they work beautifully apart.

1) Place a large volume of Amazon themed marketing within all that is Google

and presto magico

2) Consumers are directed to Amazons marketplace in groves. This, from these and many others, is orchestrated for millions of Internet users daily.

So while it’s difficult to conduct a marketplace and marketing revenue model within the same environment, then it may be no wonder social commerce in Facebook and others receive limited results. These as we all know depend highly upon “all that is marketing” for revenue.

So now what, how can these adversities be overcome and still include all the attractions which retain such a large audience? Maybe it simply requires a look at what is needed to conduct commerce, and also what is not.

There are many pre and post stages of the consumers journey which marketing is a magnificent tool, and there are a few where marketing should stop and marketplace take over. Knowing where and when is a skill the enormous influence of marketing fails to deliver.

So how could commerce thrive in a social environment supporting marketing and marketplace revenue models? To me its quite clear:

1) Allow marketing to do what it does best throughout the discovery portions of the consumer journey.

2) Identify when discovery has concluded, and a more focused marketplace environment is required. At this juncture, marketing is done, detailed presentation and negotiation should ensue.

3) If the consummation is successful, marketing may once again display its importance within post sale activity.

Now at About2Buy, we are very certain as to how this will be accomplished, for our service only begins after the consumers discovery activity is done and marketplace process begins.

How an existing infrastructure as Facebook, Twitter and others will accomplish this?

When someone of influence illustrates how marketing and marketplaces possess roles serving consumers with completely different identities.

Visit our site page to sign up for the beta and further updates.

Live Well

Im the Future of Commerce

I know what many consumers will purchase in the next few min., hours or days.

In every town or city, county or state

Online, I don’t track or harvest data about them. That job belongs to the Past.

On average I’m 97% accurate in predicting precisely what, when and where consumer’s will purchase.

The Past, 3 to 7% at best.

How do I do it?

It’s really quite simple.

It all begins with a question.

If knowledge of a most certain future is shared, can I improve the outcome?

Stay tuned, sign up to know more.

Time provides small spaces where immaturity may be transformed into opportunity.

So very hard to know what consumers want these days. Yes, I know big data thinks they know. That solution is no more than a very good predictor of past behavior. Those technologies and business models based upon the proclamation of future intent, will most certainly provide superior results at a much lower cost.
We pay a lot of attention to surveys and studies published, here at About2Buy. It helps us gauge whether we are on the right or wrong track. A particular question posed by many to whom we present, is will the consumer redirect their course in order to save a small amount of money. The latest data from marketing charts answers this question quite well. Link: Marketing Charts
A question that comes to mind. If 45 percent of consumers will leave a store (physically) to save 2.5 percent, upon the internet, would that percentage remain the same or be higher?
Does this mean that of the $528,000,000 spent daily online (2011 US commerce Dept.) for retail product, 45 percent may be redirected by providing a new routine that allows for a small but improved reward?
This is what About2Buy is, a fast simple way for anyone to easily adjust the routine to improve their reward.
It’s a great life, isn’t it?
Contact Brad Gunderson to be a part of this incredibly fun project.

Eureka moment leads to 'commerce re-channeling'

Brad Gunderson credits his grandparents and parents — all longtime business owners in Siouxland — for his entrepreneurial ethic, which is helping him launch About2Buy. Click Photo for Full Article.

Re-associate, re-position, realign …, are the words we use around here to describe our very detailed knowledge capital. After a total of seven years moving ahead with 2 1/2 years in planning and development, an understanding of all that is used and potentially could be used as to re-channel commerce, is deep and very diverse. We at this point could be one of the foremost in the field, if there was a field. We are getting kind of lonely, so very long without anything else showing up on a Google search. We either are blazing a path for others to follow, or are forever going it alone.

Re-Channeling is not popular because (frankly) many in all that is marketing and advertising are scared to death of it. In its most basic form, it is an “effective process possessing the correct personality to entice a very focused consumer to a more favorable outcome. This outcome “must” be more favorable to all parties involved (Buyer & Seller). As we have some very obvious ways proposed to accomplish this, there are some very exciting discoveries that are preserved. The timing of which will be groundbreaking to say the least.

So today I feel it important for those who read to know, it is not the intended path that may yield most and every. It is that unintended detour to which more and all may be placed.

Check out our “teaser” video on YouTube.

Disintermediation refers to companies going directly to customers with products and services. No channel partners are used to move offerings or to manage interactions with customers. The CMO Survey ( asked managers to report whether their companies will increase their level of disintermediation in the next 12 months. The percentage responding “yes” has increased over the last three years as shown in the figure. In fact, there has been an increase of over 100% between August 2009 and August 2011!

Now there appear to be two good reasons.

1. Companies can learn more from customers through direct engagement.

2. Direct interaction can help you serve your customers more effectively.


This hits the nail squarely on the head. Internet commerce from its beginnings as a 24 hour catalog and ordering system has seen it’s better days, the consumer is tired of being herded as cattle across the Internet plain. But if no channel partner may be used to facilitate a holistic “Disintermediation” strategy, then how is it facilitated? Social Media…. nope, that’s a channel partner. Advertising….Nada, Channel partner again. Hmm then how is it done?

Enter the era of the “Intermediation of DisIntermediation”, the new tools of the online engagement trade. Certain tools to aid companies who are rapidly opting out of the current commercial system to more favorably connect directly to the consumer. About2Buy is at the forefront of such technology, as to more appropriately be inline with the (growing) many who have chosen this path.

Sign up for our Beta at:

Live Free, Live Well





If you haven’t figured it out by now, it’s not really about the data. Actually by the time a solution is created to gather, many new data requirements emerge. It’s a never-ending battle to which we all feel required to tackle in one form or another. Thoughts and actions create the data or potential for something useful that may (for some) cause an opportunity to satisfy a need or desire. Harvesting to form a purpose from what was and is, tends to be what all this technology is about.

As we all by our every action create new data to be assimilated, there will forever more be a gap or space between data being formed and that which has yet to be assimilated. For now it appears that it is impossible for new data and the actions resulting from to appear precisely at the same time and in the same space (yes, time does exist).  As we advance the space will just get smaller but may never be at once. For me this is great, absence of this singularity will continue to provide a welcome purpose.

As indicated prior, About2Buy (as most commercial efforts) is a product made possible by the enormous gap between pursuit and attainment. I mean really, how could one form a want/need and possession of  precisely at the same time? To be weird about it, that would be like living and dying simultaneously.  So as we build to provide our space-saving solution between buyer and seller, (upon the Internet) the gap between will be far smaller than it ever has been before. Live Free, Live Well!

Stay plugged in and sign up for our secret closed Beta:

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Source: Booz & Company