So very hard to know what consumers want these days. Yes, I know big data thinks they know. That solution is no more than a very good predictor of past behavior. Those technologies and business models based upon the proclamation of future intent, will most certainly provide superior results at a much lower cost.
We pay a lot of attention to surveys and studies published, here at About2Buy. It helps us gauge whether we are on the right or wrong track. A particular question posed by many to whom we present, is will the consumer redirect their course in order to save a small amount of money. The latest data from marketing charts answers this question quite well. Link: Marketing Charts
A question that comes to mind. If 45 percent of consumers will leave a store (physically) to save 2.5 percent, upon the internet, would that percentage remain the same or be higher?
Does this mean that of the $528,000,000 spent daily online (2011 US commerce Dept.) for retail product, 45 percent may be redirected by providing a new routine that allows for a small but improved reward?
This is what About2Buy is, a fast simple way for anyone to easily adjust the routine to improve their reward.
It’s a great life, isn’t it?
Contact Brad Gunderson to be a part of this incredibly fun project.